Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Comparison of Apple and MatsSoft - 1407 Words

Comparison of Apple and MatsSoft on Basis of Various Strategies of Branding Branding and Positioning Strategy of Apple and MatSsoft For many years the product strategy of Apple is involved for creating many innovative products which are aligned with the strategy of â€Å"digital hub† (www.marketingmindscom). The core competence of the company is on delivering the exceptional experience with the user interfaces. The company has the strategy of branding which focuses on the emotions. The brand personality of Apple is about the imagination, lifestyle, innovation, passion through technology. For the sales promotion strategy this company knows what is best. This company uses the short term techniques for persuading the members of the target†¦show more content†¦For example the company reports that almost half of the computer sales are made to the people who are new to the Macintosh, and the sales of the company have been growing since 2006. The efforts of the company have been superb since 2007, when it launched the iPod (Dalrymes 2007). This company has made efforts to make the brand memorable, easily recognizable in the eyes of the end customers. The product has been delivered in superior quality and reliability. The equity of the brand is positive if people are ready to pay more for the branded product than the generic one. This company has high brand awareness and thus has a high market share till date. On the other hand the company MatSsoft is still on the verge of creating new market through rebranding process. The company has redefined their website altogether in a new way, which in future might be creating large brand equity for the company. The product launched by this company is new and thus the company is still in the process of creating huge market for that product ( Both the companies have been competing in the electronics industry, since a long time and for the marketers the company is also making its presence felt to the rival Google Company in the market of advertising, via the apps business. The similarities could be that both the companies capture high end customers as the products are not sold

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Acadamic Misconduct free essay sample

If an allegation arises towards a student and if its proven in an investigation then student has to face penalties under student academic misconduct policy. In this essay we going to discuss in brief about plagiarism, cheating, collusion and academic misconduct procedural process depending on minor or substantial misconduct when allegations arise and appeal for the student.As per ISIS policy Plagiarism is defined as an act of presenting material as ones own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the student when doing so, for example when student vomits work in which words or ideas are presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original author such as website, other students work, lecture, journal article or book.Cheating is described as any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other students during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Bluetooth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisor. We will write a custom essay sample on Acadamic Misconduct or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so. According to ISIS Academic misconduct policy there are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is determine by the university as a minimal threat to integrity of the student assessment in writing such as lack of referencing or academic requirements. A substantial misconduct is determine by the university as a major threat to integrity such as, when a student repeats minor misconduct activities intentionally, any allegations in the examination and any allegations related to illusion.In the process of investigating the allegations unit teacher, unit coordinator, Dean, school academic committee and student academic committee will be involved. In the first stage of Investigation process and hearing of academic misconduct, If unit teacher or examination supervisor believe that there is any academic misconduct happened, and they have evidence or reasons to support, teacher of the unit will report to unit coordinator with relevant documentation by signed copy or emai l, then with in five working days unit coordinator will send copy of allegation to the Dean.The dean, will advise unit coordinator to do investigation, and then unit coordinator and unit teacher decides to do further investigation, unit teacher will notify the student and invite for meeting in writing by post and email. Student can attend meeting with fellow student or university academic staff member or a student welfare officer. Meeting will be organized between 8 15 working days after on invitation letter dispatch date. Student must respond to the invitation with in seven working days date of dispatch whether he / she will attend the meeting or not.The decision will be made on the allegation even in the student absence. If unit coordinator decides that the allegation is not substantial he / she will dismiss it. Other penalties like refer to academic counseling, student ARQ Eire to re-submit assessment task after re-submission unit coordinator makes a decision on the marks and grades student may get zero marks. Fifth unit coordinator determine its substantial he/ she will be referred to relevant dean for decision.After going through all the process as discussed earlier in which case the unit coordinator will send the invitation letter to student for meeting with dean. After meeting if dean decides its not substantial dean will dismiss the allegation. When dean decides the allegations substantial then dean can penalizes student such as recommend to counseling ask for re-submission of work, if required student has to sit for exam again, dean will decide marks and grades. If dean judges that the allegation very substantial or too serious then dean refers that allegation to SAC (student academic committee).After going all the process as discussed above, student will have meeting with SAC members. After meeting if SAC decides if allegation are true it will take any action of dean penalties or combination of them, or suspend the student from university minimum period of months not more than 12 months, or dismiss the student for minimum of 12 months not more than 24 months in this case student has to apply for readmission or SAC can suspend the student permanently from the university.A student can appeal against the unit coordinators decision when stude nt considers that the decision was made against the procedural fairness or when student not agreeing with allegations or when student considers that there is a substantial new evidence which was not available previously to unit coordinator or when student considers the penalty imposed by unit ordinate was too severe. Student must appeal within 15 days with evidence in writing to dean from the date of the letter advising of unit coordinators decision.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thomas Stearns Eliot Essays (799 words) - Christian Poetry

Thomas Stearns Eliot Thomas Stearns Eliot was born to a very distinguished New England family on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His father, Henry Ware, was a very successful businessman and his mother, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. His paternal grandfather established and presided over Washington University. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I started and Eliot took up a permanent residency there. In 1927, he became a British citizen. While living in Britain, Eliot met and married Vivienne Haigh-Wood and at first everything was wonderful between them. Then he found out that Vivienne was very ill, both physically and mentally. In 1930, Vivienne had a mental breakdown and was confined to a mental hospital until her death in 1947. Her death was very hard on Eliot and he died on January 4, 1965. Most of Eliot's works were produced from the emotional difficulties from his marriage. Because of Eliot's economic status, he attended only the finest schools while growing up. He attended Smith Academy in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he started his freshman year at Harvard University studying philosophy and literature. He received his bachelor's degree in philosophy in only three years. Eliot went on to study at the University of Oxford and also at the Sorbonne in Judice 2 Paris. At the Sorbonne, he found inspiration from writers such as Dante and Shakespeare and also from ancient literature, modern philosophy and Eastern mysticism. T. S. Eliot's first poem was The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock written in 1915. It is widely recognized as one of Eliot's most brilliant poems. J. C. C. Mays claims that, "It is one of his most approachable poems since it structurally takes fewer risks than some of his later poems. The tone of effort and futility of effort is central in Eliot's poems" (Mays 111). Another poem, The Waste Land was written in 1922 and it contrasts modern society with societies of the past. "The assumption of the mythical method is that our culture and language once had a pervasive meaningfulness which has been lost in our increasingly rational and discontinuous society, but by recovering the lost myth from within our culture, poets can restore mythic unity to literature" (Leavell 146). Eliot converted his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his poetry took on new spiritual meaning. Ash Wednesday was the first poem he wrote after his conversion. It was written in 1930. It is said that it traces the pattern of Eliot's spiritual progress. It strives to make connections between the earthly and the eternal, the word of man and the Word of God and the emphasis is on the struggle toward belief. "Eliot develops independently and begins immediately in all of his works. Ash Wednesday takes place in a world which is all meaningless, and yet is a plea directed toward the infinite, toward a realm that is ultimately unknowable" (Leavell 152). Judice 3 In the poem, A Song for Simeon, a man sees the Incarnation after his birth. After seeing this, the man wishes only for death because he feels now that he is free from sin. In this poem, Eliot used images of Jesus' life such as: the crucifixion, Roman soldiers, and Judas' betrayal of Jesus. I think Eliot used these images because of how important Jesus' life and death are to everyone in the Christian faith. "A Song for Simeon is an essentially interior monologue with the repetition of his prayer for peace, oblivion, and death" (Brooker 101). Other poems Eliot has written are: Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Quartets (1943) which he believed to be his greatest achievement. Eliot also wrote the play "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935). It was about the murder of Thomas Becket and was later turned into a film in 1952. Other plays written by Eliot are: "The Family Reunion" (1939), "The Cocktail Party" (1949), "The Confidential Clerk" (1953), and "The Elder Statesman" (1959). "Thomas Stearns Eliot has been considered by many to be the leading American poet of this century. His poem The Waste Land is a summation of the disillusion and fragmentation that was felt by so many people following the first World War. It contained many poetic techniques that changed the face of modern poetry" (Costa 96). Eliot is considered one of the greatest poets and equally one of the greatest critics to ever live even though many were put off by his personality. He received the